U.S. biotech company Moderna reported positive results from the first interim analysis of its Covid mRNA vaccine candidate. The IA found that of the 95 identified Covid cases in the study population 90 occurred in the placebo group, thus yielding a vaccine efficacy of 94,4%.
Article on tag "vaccine"

A Black Mink Event – COVID-20
In the USA the fight for the White House is still raging. Meanwhile, in Copenhagen, 9,000 kilometers away, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen declared that all minks in the country would be killed to contain the spread of a new SARS CoV-2 variant. What is a Black Min Event?
COVID-19 Update from the Investment Division: Russia to the Rescue?
Researchers from Moscow-based Gamaleya institute, an offshoot of the Russian Ministry of Health, published detailed phase 1/2 results of their COVID-19 vaccine in the Lancet. If true (remember that we are talking about Russia), these results imply that their vaccine is both effective and has a tolerable safety profile which would make it a strong contender in the international race to defeat COVID-19.

The scary R-word: Should we worry about reinfection?
Recently, the first documented case of reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 has apparently surfaced in Hong Kong. A day later, Belgium and the Netherlands also reported a reinfection each. Is it time to worry about acquired immunity and vaccine efficacy? There are three scenarios how this might turn out.
COVID19 Update: Sputnik V – the vaccine that came in from the cold
When Russian President Vladimir Putin celebrated his “Mission Accomplished” moment on August 11th with the announcement of Sputnik V, the world’s first SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, the global scientific community reacted with a mix of skepticism and condemnation. Is this warranted or a result of russophobia?
Update Covid19 – Potential vaccine is a logistical challenge
Covid19 vaccine: The companies Biontech and Pfizer developed effective antibodies in initial tests. The hope for a vaccine remains. Will it be logistically possible to distribute everything quickly?