The international stock markets closed out 2023 with significant gains. Hopes of abating inflationary pressure and declining interest rates were the main market drivers in Q4, resulting in a strong year for stock exchanges.

The international stock markets closed out 2023 with significant gains. Hopes of abating inflationary pressure and declining interest rates were the main market drivers in Q4, resulting in a strong year for stock exchanges.
For the world’s stock markets, the second year of the coronavirus pandemic ended with partly spectacular gains. Which stock markets were the best in 2021? One thing should be said in advance: The Vienna Stock Exchange was among the top performers
One of the most important economic indicators, the global purchasing managers index for the manufacturing sector, fell in June compared to the previous month. Is that bad news for risky asset classes like stocks? Our chief economist Gerhard Winzer analyzes the most important scenarios.
The stock markets continue to be caught between the economic recovery on the one hand and the rising number of new infections in the USA on the other. Update from the Investment Division.
After the easing measures new global infections continue to rise. The stock markets remain unimpressed by this. Update from the Investment Division.
New wave of Covid-19 cases from Beijing market spreads to Liaoning and on Friday there was a countermovement on the stock markets. Update from the Investment Division.
Stock market prices have risen sharply despite the crisis, but the gap between the financial and the real economy continues to widen. Update from the Investment Division.
The “Black Swan” is what stock market experts call an unexpected event and the daily news continues to influence events on the stock markets. Update from the Investment Division
On Friday the markets for risky assets received a double boost. The reason for this is a rapid economic recovery after the sharp containment measures. Update from the Investment Division.
The US and Europe are the two most important equity markets worldwide. In our article, we present 6 charts that show the difference between the European and US stock markets.