Rising credit rates and prices for goods and services are hampering consumer demand. Which future scenario can be expected? Interview with Péter Varga, Senior Professional Fund Manager at Erste Asset Management.

Rising credit rates and prices for goods and services are hampering consumer demand. Which future scenario can be expected? Interview with Péter Varga, Senior Professional Fund Manager at Erste Asset Management.
The prices of risk asset classes are subject to downward pressure. Is an inflation spiral likely to occur? Will the increase in key interest rates trigger a recession?
Inflation rates continue to rise, prompting central banks to accelerate rate hikes. Which models for the future inflation development are conceivable? Erste Asset Management Chief Economist Winzer analyzes which scenarios are imaginable in the future.
The beginning of Q4 is the time for an outlook on the coming year. At first we want to establish the determining factors for the economic activity and the markets. On this basis, we will introduce three scenarios.