A turbulent year at the stock exchange has come to a conciliatory end. Those who were invested in funds in 2020 were able to achieve increases in value despite the pandemic and lockdown. Read more about the best funds of 2020 in today’s blog.

A turbulent year at the stock exchange has come to a conciliatory end. Those who were invested in funds in 2020 were able to achieve increases in value despite the pandemic and lockdown. Read more about the best funds of 2020 in today’s blog.
In the midst of the corona crisis, following the first TV debate and US president Donald Trump’s infection with the corona virus, the race for the US presidential office enters its critical phase. In nationwide opinion polls, Democratic candidate Joe Biden is currently ahead of Republican incumbent Trump.
The US elections in November are not only important from a geopolitical perspective. The race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump for the presidency also influences events on the financial markets.