Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

2 results for keyword "Hexagon Purus"

Article on tag "Hexagon Purus"

Norway: Visiting sustainable portfolio companies
Norway: Visiting sustainable portfolio companies
(c) unsplash

Norway: Visiting sustainable portfolio companies

Norway has the largest oil reserves in Europe. Nevertheless, the Scandinavian country is considered a pioneer in the use of renewable energies. There are also many companies in the industrial sector that are working on sustainable value creation. Fund manager Markus Gruber visited some sustainable companies from the portfolios of the impact funds ERSTE WWF STOCK ENVIRONMENT and ERSTE GREEN INVEST.

Transition to EVs is the Automotive Industry’s Hope for Beating Chip Crisis
Transition to EVs is the Automotive Industry’s Hope for Beating Chip Crisis
(c) Nio / Sybille Stamp

Transition to EVs is the Automotive Industry’s Hope for Beating Chip Crisis

The automotive industry is slowly recovering from the shortage of semiconductors in 2020 and 2021. The European car manufacturers recently presented more positive figures. The switch to electromobility is now in full swing.