Erste Asset Management

18 results for keyword "growth"

Article on tag "growth"

Bleaker sentiment on the financial markets
Bleaker sentiment on the financial markets
(c) iStock

Bleaker sentiment on the financial markets

The environment on the financial markets has become a bit bleaker. Growth rates of industrial output and the survey-based indicators for economic growth are falling, while the trade conflict between the USA and China and the tense geopolitical situation in the Middle East has caused the risk for global growth to increase further. Will the environment remain generally supportive to risky asset classes?

Quo Vadis Italia? – The 2018 general election in Italy and its importance to the economy
Quo Vadis Italia? – The 2018 general election in Italy and its importance to the economy

Quo Vadis Italia? – The 2018 general election in Italy and its importance to the economy

The economic environment for Italy remains challenging. The fundamental problem is the low economic growth. Although the composition of the future government is still unclear, the party programs imply a persistent reform deadlock.

Ten new determining factors for the capital market
Ten new determining factors for the capital market
(c) Fotolia

Ten new determining factors for the capital market

The economic environment for the capital markets is subject to change as we speak. About one and a half years ago, the global economy shifted from recovery to boom, which was very advantageous for the markets. The features were strong, broadly based economic growth, low inflation, very supportive monetary policies, good earnings growth, and limited price fluctuations on the markets. We have now started leaving this best of all worlds (“Goldilocks scenario”) in more and more categories.

Growth picking up in the emerging economies
Growth picking up in the emerging economies

Growth picking up in the emerging economies

Economic growth has increased significantly on a global scale and is broadly supported. According to our preliminary estimate, global GDP recorded a growth rate of 3.7% from Q1 to Q2 (annualised). While the developed economies have presumably grown by 2.7%, the emerging economies posted a growth rate of 5.2%. In this article, we would like to take a closer look at the emerging markets on the basis of classic economic indicators.