Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

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Article on tag "equities"

Equity investors: Are they ignoring risks?
Equity investors: Are they ignoring risks?

Equity investors: Are they ignoring risks?

The year 2016 was full of surprises. It was, for example, the year, when an outsider overcame odds of 5000 to 1 to win the Premier League. It was also the year, when the lyrics of three-minute pop songs were acknowledged to be an art form worth the Literature Nobel. Most importantly, however, politics in the Western hemisphere surprised big time with the vote for Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as the next US president.

Turkey Outlook 2017 – Light at the end of the tunnel
Turkey Outlook 2017 – Light at the end of the tunnel
Ulrike Gruber /

Turkey Outlook 2017 – Light at the end of the tunnel

Turkey faced a lot of difficulties in 2016 – both on the economic and political side. On the economic front, the first half of the year was a recovery period where most of the macro data showed improvement, political turmoil had diminished and equity market was pretty much on hold while the market participants had […]

Default risk preferred
Default risk preferred

Default risk preferred

Equities have recovered from their beginning-of-year slump, and bonds, especially corporate and emerging markets, have recorded impressive gains. The loosening of the monetary environment in China and the continuation of the loose monetary policy in the USA have reduced the risk aversion of investors. In terms of asset allocation, we generally prefer default risk. Equities […]

Earnings season triggers downward revisions
Earnings season triggers downward revisions

Earnings season triggers downward revisions

Earnings are key for equity investors, as also my colleague Harald Egger emphasized in this blog two weeks ago. This basic truth is even more relevant as usual at a time when a multi-year equity bull market has ended and a wobbly global economic backdrop is weighing on market sentiment. In this situation, corporate earnings […]

Current earnings development advises caution
Current earnings development advises caution

Current earnings development advises caution

The international stock exchanges recorded a rather dismal start into the new year. The reasons cited most frequently were China and the declining oil price. A weaker Chinese economy will definitely register also on an international scale due to the mere size of the country. While a weaker oil price is beneficial to consumers, it […]