Environmental stocks have corrected sharply in some cases as a result of the US election. We discuss with Alexander Weiss, fund manager of the ERSTE GREEN INVEST, how our fund management is positioned and what opportunities are arising for renewable equities.
Article on tag "Environmental equities"
Environmental equities – a good time to invest?
The sharp rise in interest rates is weighing more heavily on environmental and renewable energy equities than on assets from other sectors. Clemens Klein, fund manager of ERSTE WWF STOCK ENVIRONMENT, explains in an interview why this is the case, why environmental shares remain very attractive, and why this could even be a good time to enter the market.

“Green Rush” – The Inflation Reduction Act
The Inflation Reduction Act recently passed by the US Senate is intended to get the USA back on track in terms of climate protection. By 2030, 369 billion US dollars are to flow into renewable energies through various channels.
ERSTE GREEN INVEST’s one-year anniversary: megatrend green technologies
The subjects of environment and technology have been occupied by brokers for years. This sector also has great growth potential in the coming years. Many companies are only at the beginning of a promising development.

Mega trend environmental technology
The global population will reach 10 billion people by 2100, with masses streaming into the cities. The environmental problems are becoming more challenging as we speak due to the exploitation of raw materials and the climate change, which has manifested itself via ever more frequent freak weather events. The call for the cautious handling of […]