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Article on tag "car industry"

Germany’s economy recovering from slump
Germany’s economy recovering from slump
(c) Unsplash

Germany’s economy recovering from slump

Germany’s economy is back on a growth path after the pandemic dip at the beginning of the year. While service providers and retailers benefit from the relaxation of the Corona measures, the industry is being held back by material shortages and supply bottlenecks. How does the German stock index (DAX) react?

German government approves EUR 130bn stimulus package to “emerge from the crisis with a bang”
German government approves EUR 130bn stimulus package to “emerge from the crisis with a bang”

German government approves EUR 130bn stimulus package to “emerge from the crisis with a bang”

Germany’s government wants to cushion the consequences of the Corona crisis with a massive economic stimulus package. This show of strength is intended to revive the economy and consumption of citizens and avert a severe recession.