Erste Asset Management

538 results for the topic "Markets"


Mario Draghi – Deflation Fighter
Mario Draghi – Deflation Fighter

Mario Draghi – Deflation Fighter

The arguments supporting a further rise in share prices have become stronger. The important central banks have been sending expansive signals in recent weeks, i.e. signals that support the economy and the markets. The latest measure was the statement made by the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, at the ECB press […]

The refugee crisis: there is no way around a comprehensive solution
The refugee crisis: there is no way around a comprehensive solution

The refugee crisis: there is no way around a comprehensive solution

The current refugee crisis is immense. Estimates expect more than a million people to apply for asylum this year in the European Union; i.e. we are talking about 0.2% in terms of total population. This would suggest that the immigration can be handled if all the countries cooperate.

All eyes on Washington: Will the Fed funds rate be raised?
All eyes on Washington: Will the Fed funds rate be raised?

All eyes on Washington: Will the Fed funds rate be raised?

Interest rate decision by the Fed Tomorrow, Thursday 17 September 2015, the federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the US central bank Fed will be taking an important decision. Is the Fed funds rate to be raised or not? The financial markets have accorded this decision a particularly important role. After all, the rate hike […]