Erste Asset Management Investment Blog


Climate risks: Is climate change that bad?
Climate risks: Is climate change that bad?
(c) unsplash

Climate risks: Is climate change that bad?

This year’s September went down as the warmest in measurement history. Especially in our regions, it was a welcome extension of the summer for many. However, the warmer temperatures clearly show us the consequences of climate change. The risks this entails for the economy and companies and how we take these into account in our investment processes is the topic of our new ESGenius Letter.

World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource
World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource
(c) unsplash

World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource

On World Water Day today, we are publishing the water footprint of our sustainable funds for the seventh time. Problems such as water shortages and the decline in groundwater levels have now also reached Europe. This makes it all the more important for companies to use our water resources responsibly and manage water risks sustainably.

ESG investments – “S” is for sexy?
ESG investments – “S” is for sexy?
(c) unsplash

ESG investments – “S” is for sexy?

Human rights, child labor, arms production, … – the range of social issues in the ESG universe is long. Besides environmental and governance aspects, social issues are becoming increasingly important when it comes to sustainable investment. A possible EU social taxonomy could bring new standards for sustainable investments and thus bring the “S” in ESG even more into focus.