Erste Asset Management Investment Blog


What investors can learn from Maria Theresia and the Vienna stock exchange
What investors can learn from Maria Theresia and the Vienna stock exchange
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What investors can learn from Maria Theresia and the Vienna stock exchange

Austria celebrates the 300th birthday of Maria Theresa. She was born on 13 May 1717 in Vienna. It was her who founded the Vienna stock exchange in 1771 on the basis of an imperial patent (see image), after an earlier, failed attempt in 1761. Even though a lot has changed politically, economically, and technically since then, the eventful history of the Vienna stock exchange is still very instructive for every investor.

2016 – a capital markets year in review
2016 – a capital markets year in review

2016 – a capital markets year in review

2016 was full of surprises on the stock exchanges. At the beginning of the year, economic concerns in China, the second-biggest economy in the world, triggered drastic losses on the stock exchanges. Over the year, cautious optimism gradually returned: the oil price recovered, and the stock exchanges in the emerging markets rebounded. Brexit and Donald […]