When Russian President Vladimir Putin celebrated his “Mission Accomplished” moment on August 11th with the announcement of Sputnik V, the world’s first SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, the global scientific community reacted with a mix of skepticism and condemnation. Is this warranted or a result of russophobia?
Update Covid19 – Potential vaccine is a logistical challenge
Covid19 vaccine: The companies Biontech and Pfizer developed effective antibodies in initial tests. The hope for a vaccine remains. Will it be logistically possible to distribute everything quickly?
First virtual chart analyst – bot learns to “look at” charts
The intuition of an experienced chart analyst contributes significantly to a correct forecast. With the help of around one million charts of shares, Erste AM trained the world’s first virtual chart analyst.
Big Trouble in Little China?
Trade war, a possible cooling of the world economy and growing uncertainties at the home market: is the Chinese dragon spinning?