Erste Asset Management


Expansive central bank: The Only Game in Town
Expansive central bank: The Only Game in Town

Expansive central bank: The Only Game in Town

The Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) further loosened its monetary policy on 10 March 2016. In view of the decline of the leading economic indicators and the excessively low inflation in the Eurozone, the bundle of measures introduced by the ECB is necessary. But, to paraphrase Mohamed El-Erian, the expansive central bank policy […]

Mario Draghi – Deflation Fighter
Mario Draghi – Deflation Fighter

Mario Draghi – Deflation Fighter

The arguments supporting a further rise in share prices have become stronger. The important central banks have been sending expansive signals in recent weeks, i.e. signals that support the economy and the markets. The latest measure was the statement made by the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, at the ECB press […]