Combining long-term trend themes with short and medium-term market opportunities: The new broadly diversified mixed fund ERSTE OPPORTUNITIES MIX makes this possible with its active and flexible approach.
Socially sustainable investment – how does it work?
Investing sustainably in companies with a social impact – this is possible with the ERSTE FAIR INVEST equity fund. In this interview, fund manager Bernhard Selinger explains how he finds socially sustainable companies for the portfolio and why a sustainable strategy is also good for the company’s success.
Green technologies: US elections as showstopper?
The Inflation Reduction Act has triggered billions of dollars of investment in green technologies in the USA. Are the subsidies and tax breaks for renewable energies at risk in view of the upcoming US election? Clemens Klein, fund manager of ERSTE GREEN INVEST, provides some answers.
World Water Day: the (scarce) blue gold
Droughts and water shortages are also increasing in Europe – what can be done about them? When investing, it certainly makes sense to take a close look at the water risks of companies. If you want to go one step further, you can also specifically integrate the topic of water into your portfolio.
Swimming against the tide with alternative investments
Alternative investment strategies are not comparable with traditional asset classes such as equities or bonds – this is precisely their charm. But how do these strategies work and how can investors invest in them?
Corporate bonds – Why emerging markets are worth a look
Fund manager Thomas Oposich explains in an interview what makes investments in emerging market bonds interesting and which sectors and companies he considers promising.
🍋 Dividend basics for shareholders
An increasing number of investors, when selecting shares, do not only focus on share price performance, but also on a stable, high dividend – for good reason.
Capital markets outlook 2024: good opportunities in the US election year
After a difficult market year in 2022, many asset classes performed much better this year. The outlook for the coming year 2024 is also positive – the central banks’ turnaround in interest rates has brought about a return to normality on the bond market and, with the rise in yields, is also opening up new opportunities for investors. At the same time, the ongoing geopolitical tensions in particular pose a challenge. With the improved yield opportunities for bonds, mixed funds are also coming back into focus.

FNG Label: 17 top marks for our sustainable funds
Strict criteria, a clear investment process, and many years of expertise pay off, as illustrated by our results in this year’s award of the FNG Label by Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG; Forum for Sustainable Investments). All 17 funds submitted by Erste Asset Management were awarded the quality label for sustainable investment funds, capturing the top rating of three stars.

The Rise of the Fallen Angels
Rating agencies assess the creditworthiness of companies and thus play an important role in the financial market. They were also in the spotlight at the beginning of the corona pandemic, with many companies being downgraded as a result of the crisis. In the meantime, the pandemic has been overcome and some of the so-called “Fallen Angels” are once again in a much better position with regard to their creditworthiness and rating.