Erste Asset Management Investment Blog


Alcohol producers against excessive consumption – Engagement
Alcohol producers against excessive consumption – Engagement
© iStock

Alcohol producers against excessive consumption – Engagement

Alcohol enjoys a special privilege. No other drug is as socially accepted. This also manifests itself in the special status it is invested with by law: while cannabis – a market whose legal side is estimated to grow from USD 9.5bn in 2017 to USD 32bn by 2020 – is legal in only a handful of states, tobacco is subject to ever-more stringent regulations. By comparison, alcohol producers are relatively free to pursue their business.

Big data as a powerful tool – Investment Board
Big data as a powerful tool – Investment Board

Big data as a powerful tool – Investment Board

We communicate a great deal on social networks. For example, how nice our breakfast is or even the view from a very tall mountain we just climbed. Unfortunately, social networks operators are much less willing to communicate when it comes to the handling of gained user data.
This is where the term “commitment” comes in – in our new ESG article, we explain what it means.