Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

18 results for keyword "yield"

Article on tag "yield"

Corporate bonds with short maturities
Corporate bonds with short maturities
© iStock

Corporate bonds with short maturities

Bond investors are faced with a difficult environment. Do corporate bonds offer the chance of a halfway decent yield? Stampfl: The statement that bond investors are faced with a difficult environment is actually an erroneous one. A balanced portfolio consisting of bonds from the peripheral countries and the core countries across all sectors would have […]

Light and shadow
Light and shadow

Light and shadow

The environment has become a bit brighter in the past weeks. In addition to the improvement of the economic environment in the Eurozone and Japan, more and more central banks loosened their monetary policies. For example, on 12 February the central bank of Sweden (Riksbank) surprisingly cut its key-lending rate to -0.1% and announced to […]