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20 results for keyword "Turkey"

Article on tag "Turkey"

Afterthoughts on the Turkish referendum
Afterthoughts on the Turkish referendum
(c) Fotolia

Afterthoughts on the Turkish referendum

After the ballots were counted on 16 April 2017, the state-run Anadolu news agency reported that “Yes” had won by securing 51.4% of the votes, which was later also confirmed by the Electoral Commission. Serious concerns were raised by the OSCE. It is also important to note that the referendum took place during a “state of emergency”. That is to say, in a highly repressive climate in which the President and the government controlled the media, jailed critical journalists and leaders of pro-Kurdish parliamentary opposition, and arbitrarily detained and prosecuted the President’s opponents. The result of the referendum has paved the way for the most controversial changes that Turkey has faced in its history.

My impressions from IMF meeting in Washington:  Emerging markets “alive and kicking”
My impressions from IMF meeting in Washington: Emerging markets “alive and kicking”
Jose Luis Magana / AP /

My impressions from IMF meeting in Washington: Emerging markets “alive and kicking”

The spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund was held in Washington from 20 to 23 April. This event was the reason for an investor conference that I attended in order to get an idea of the status quo of the global economy as well as of risks and opportunities.

What the Turkish referendum means for the capital markets
What the Turkish referendum means for the capital markets
(c) Fotolia

What the Turkish referendum means for the capital markets

A “Yes” to Erdogan’s planned constitutional amendment in Turkey would constitute a double-edged sword for investors: the planned presidential system could mean a short-term relief for the markets and for the economy. However, in the long run, this scenario harbours big risks. That being said, a “No” would not help investors either.

Turkey Outlook 2017 – Light at the end of the tunnel
Turkey Outlook 2017 – Light at the end of the tunnel
Ulrike Gruber /

Turkey Outlook 2017 – Light at the end of the tunnel

Turkey faced a lot of difficulties in 2016 – both on the economic and political side. On the economic front, the first half of the year was a recovery period where most of the macro data showed improvement, political turmoil had diminished and equity market was pretty much on hold while the market participants had […]

Turkey’s coup attempt
Turkey’s coup attempt
© Ulrike Gruber /

Turkey’s coup attempt

What happened? Last Friday evening, a fraction of the Army mostly medium rank officers, had undertaken a coup attempt and seized airports, bridges, TV stations and military headquarters, before attacking the Turkish parliament, leaving the building charred and damaged, and have reasoned to seize power to protect the democracy from the Government.

Could the outcome of Turkish parliamentary elections lead to increased volatility?
Could the outcome of Turkish parliamentary elections lead to increased volatility?
© Fotolia

Could the outcome of Turkish parliamentary elections lead to increased volatility?

The upcoming parliamentary elections on Sunday in Turkey could force Erdogan to postpone his plan for a new constitution and could lead to new political leaders in the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economics. This would trigger an increase in uncertainty and consequently a higher degree of volatility for the Turkish Lira and […]