The performance of European equities in the year to date has been disappointing. While in the USA stock exchanges are going from strength to strength, European share prices have been stagnating. Is it still worth investing in European equities?

The performance of European equities in the year to date has been disappointing. While in the USA stock exchanges are going from strength to strength, European share prices have been stagnating. Is it still worth investing in European equities?
Interview with Ulrich Eberl, one of the most renowned German-speaking scientific journalists and futurologists. Among the books he has published are “Zukunft 2050 – wie wir schon heute die Zukunft erfinden“ (“Future 2050 – how we are inventing the future today”) and “Smarte Maschinen – wie Künstliche Intelligenz unser Leben verändert“ (“Smart machines – how artificial intelligence changes our lives”).