Climate protection has long since arrived in the financial industry. Even though there has recently been political headwind for ESG in some countries, the topic remains important for investors. This is because taking sustainability factors into account makes sense for companies in a number of ways. You can find out more about this in the article.
Article on tag "Sustainability"
News from the world of active ownership: the Voting & Engagement Report 2023 is here!
The Voting & Engagement Report 2023 provides interesting insights into our voting behavior and our corporate dialogues over the past year. In terms of engagement in particular, there are some new companies with which we are actively engaging to promote greater sustainability.
How do climate leaders find their way into our fixed-income portfolios?
Sustainability factors are actively integrated into the investment process in our bond portfolios. This ensures that climate risks are minimized and climate opportunities are actively seized in our corporate bond funds. Fund manager Matthias Hauser explains exactly how this works.
Annual General Meetings (AGMs) 2024: dispute about shareholder rights
We also supported numerous shareholder motions during this year’s Annual General Meeting season. However, there were also occasional disagreements regarding motions and fundamental shareholder rights.
The miracle forest and why we need to protect it
The forest ecosystem is not only an important carbon store, but also a habitat for a variety of plants and creatures. In this interview, Robert Pröll, farmer, national park ranger, and speaker at this year’s sustainability conference, explains why we need to protect the “miracle of the forest” more than ever in the fight against the climate crisis.

Sustainable finance initiatives – a jumble of letters or effective multi-stakeholder approaches?
Sustainable finance is a dynamic process that aims to make the financial system sustainable. In his guest article, Michael Schmidt, member of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Board of the German Federal Government, explains why the many different initiatives on the topic of sustainable finance are needed and which three points are necessary for the sustainable transformation of our financial system.
Climate Score: How we can identify sustainable leaders and laggards
In order to further improve sustainable company analysis, the Responsible Investments team at Erste Asset Management developed the Climate Score last year. The score combines various environmental data to identify the sustainable leaders and laggards in each economic sector. Read the blog post to find out how the score works and what it can be used for.
The new jumper and climate change: climate risks in the textile industry
The booming fashion industry is also confronted with a wide range of challenges due to climate change. These could prompt the entire industry to rethink.

Climate risks: Is climate change that bad?
This year’s September went down as the warmest in measurement history. Especially in our regions, it was a welcome extension of the summer for many. However, the warmer temperatures clearly show us the consequences of climate change. The risks this entails for the economy and companies and how we take these into account in our investment processes is the topic of our new ESGenius Letter.
Climate Score? Oh please, not another ESG factor!
Climate risks are also an important topic for investors. A look at the climate-readiness of companies can minimise potential risk factors.