Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

2 results for keyword "Parliamentary elections"

Article on tag "Parliamentary elections"

Elections in Greece – an end to the never ending story?
Elections in Greece – an end to the never ending story?
(c) unsplash

Elections in Greece – an end to the never ending story?

The Greek sovereign debt crisis is now more than 10 years old. Many observers saw this event as the starting point of a never-ending story. However, if one looks at the recent past, Greece convinced with positive aspects. Many see the upcoming parliamentary elections on May 21 as the last major obstacle to regaining the country’s investment grade rating.

Italy after the parliamentary elections: a path beset by obstacles
Italy after the parliamentary elections: a path beset by obstacles

Italy after the parliamentary elections: a path beset by obstacles

Italy has voted: The party “Fratelli d’Italia” around top candidate Giorgia Meloni was the election winner. The center-right alliance together with the parties “Lega” and “Forza Italia” achieved an absolute majority. What consequences could the election results have for the country, its economy and cooperation with the European Union?