Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

3 results for keyword "Novo Nordisk"

Article on tag "Novo Nordisk"

Pharma industry continues to profit from booming weight loss drugs
Pharma industry continues to profit from booming weight loss drugs

Pharma industry continues to profit from booming weight loss drugs

The boom in weight loss products has long since spread to the stock markets. While the shares of pharmaceutical companies Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly are benefiting from the high demand, other industry giants are also looking to follow. However, experts are also warning of possible side effects of the drugs, which were originally developed to treat diabetes.

Miracle drug semaglutide: slim by injection
Miracle drug semaglutide: slim by injection
(c) unsplash

Miracle drug semaglutide: slim by injection

Originally, the Danish company Novo Nordisk wanted to develop Semaglutid as a drug for diabetes 2 patients. However, the appetite-reducing effect of the drug soon became apparent, making semaglutide a miracle cure for obesity. While Novo Nordisk’s share price has risen significantly since then, possible side effects of the drug are now also being examined.