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Article on tag "Nintendo"

Japan Faces Possible Monetary Policy Change Following Upper House Election
Japan Faces Possible Monetary Policy Change Following Upper House Election
(c) Kyodo News / Action Press /

Japan Faces Possible Monetary Policy Change Following Upper House Election

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s ruling LPD won a resounding victory in the upper house election. With a solid majority, Kishida could now initiate reforms in security and energy policy. In addition, the extremely loose monetary policy that has been in place for years is being put to the test.

Japanese stock exchanges rally after Prime Minister wins elections
Japanese stock exchanges rally after Prime Minister wins elections

Japanese stock exchanges rally after Prime Minister wins elections

The Japanese equity market has been among the weakest ones in the year to date. At -15% (as of 12 July 2016; source: Bloomberg), the Nikkei index is one of the worst performers. For euro investors, the bottom line is not as abysmal: adjusting the loss for the development of the Japanese yen vis-à-vis the […]