In 1988, MSCI Emerging Markets Index was launched and consisted of just 10 countries representing less than 1% of world market capitalization. Today the index consists of 24 countries representing 10% of world market capitalization. Read here about the changes expected until June 2020 to one of the most important global emerging markets equities index.
Article on tag "MSCI Emerging Markets index"
Emerging markets equities: no comeback at this point
Based on earnings expectations emerging markets equities are currently valued 27% below the price/earnings ratio of developed markets equities. The long term average of this discount is 19%. Closing the gap is a question whether the confidence of the markets in the earnings expectations is solid enough to facilitate a re-(e)valuation.

Fed funds rate – a threat to the equity markets?
The US central bank, the Fed, is very likely – almost 90%, according to Fed funds futures – to raise the Fed funds rate this year. The expected rate hike has been one of the dominating topics on the financial markets for a year. The bursting of a mega bubble, rising pressure on fragile emerging […]

Dividend yield beats bond yield
The share price performance in emerging Europe, i.e. Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Turkey, and since most recently again, Greece, has not been overwhelming in the past years. Since the middle of 2011 the MSCI Emerging Europe, the most important index for the region, had been locked into a sideways movement, which was topped […]