Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

2 results for keyword "EU election"

Article on tag "EU election"

Nationalist forces strengthened in the EU: what could be the consequences?
Nationalist forces strengthened in the EU: what could be the consequences?

Nationalist forces strengthened in the EU: what could be the consequences?

In the EU parliamentary elections, right-wing parties made significant gains in some major countries. In France, early elections are now on the cards following President Macron’s defeat. What possible effects could a shift to the right have in the EU?

Europe’s Economy Faces Major Challenges After Parliament Elections
Europe’s Economy Faces Major Challenges After Parliament Elections
(c) Unsplash / Jonas Horsch

Europe’s Economy Faces Major Challenges After Parliament Elections

The European People’s Party (EPP) remained the strongest group in the EU Parliament in last Sunday’s EU elections. Right-wing populist parties made significant gains in many of the 27 EU member states. What impact will the election result have?