Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

2 results for keyword "Bundestag election"

Article on tag "Bundestag election"

After the election, Germany is facing a change of direction
After the election, Germany is facing a change of direction

After the election, Germany is facing a change of direction

After the election in Germany, a two-party coalition could quickly be formed under the leadership of the CDU politician Merz. After five years of economic stagnation, the potential for a change of course is there. The trend-setting German stock index (DAX) is rising.

DAX set to break all-time high thanks to economic recovery as election year autumn approaches
DAX set to break all-time high thanks to economic recovery as election year autumn approaches
(c) unsplash

DAX set to break all-time high thanks to economic recovery as election year autumn approaches

Germany has awakened from its pandemic “deep sleep”, and the economy is picking up speed in an election year. Investments related to the reduction of greenhouse gases could give a strong boost to innovative companies in the DAX and at European level.