Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

3 results for keyword "Bayer"

Article on tag "Bayer"

Biodiversity: Engagement for our nature
Biodiversity: Engagement for our nature

Biodiversity: Engagement for our nature

Around 8.7 million different species live on Earth – and they all provide important “ecosystem services”. This is precisely why the protection of biodiversity is essential. In the area of engagement, this year we are focusing on the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and are making contact with one of the world’s largest corporations in this sector.

A Tale of Two Companies: Bayer’s Biodiversity Conundrum with Monsanto
A Tale of Two Companies: Bayer’s Biodiversity Conundrum with Monsanto
(c) Ohde Christian / Action Press /

A Tale of Two Companies: Bayer’s Biodiversity Conundrum with Monsanto

In 2018, Bayer acquired the US agrochemical and agricultural chemicals company Monsanto. However, the deal, valued at around USD 64 billion, raised a number of questions. As a result of the merger, Bayer has since found itself responsible for a number of controversial practices of the US company. This is associated not only with sustainability risks but also with a potential risk of billions through various class actions.