Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

Changes to the investment universe, March 2021 – June 2021

Changes to the investment universe, March 2021 – June 2021
Changes to the investment universe, March 2021 – June 2021
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Actual / nominal 2.100


Aker Horizons AS (sector: renewable electricity (renewable energy)), ESGenius score 53 (03/2021); invests in, and develops, companies in the field of renewable energy and other technologies that contribute crucially to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

  • Majority investments in the listed companies Aker Carbon Capture AS and Aker Offshore Wind AS (51% each)
  • In the pipeline/planned: acquisition of 75% in Mainstream Renewable Power, a company with a global energy production portfolio in solar power and on/offshore wind power; acquisition of 50% in Supernode, a developer of superconducting cable systems for efficient power transfer
  • Pipeline of further projects in the areas of advanced silicon materials for the solar and electronic industry and hydrogen
  • According to the preliminary analysis, interpretation, and fulfilment of the technical screening criteria of the EU Taxonomy, the deposition of CO2 can be regarded as enabling process, and the deposition of CO2 in industrial manufacturing, energy production, and wind power generation can be regarded as sustainable process

Trillium Therapeutics Inc. (sector: biotechnology), ESGenius score 70 (03/2021); a Canadian immune-oncology company that develops cancer treatment therapies.

  • Production pipeline contributes crucially to healthcare
  • R&D to treat solid tumours and blood cancer; no products approved yet
  • Production of biopharmaceuticals has low environmental externalities
  • Code of conduct deals with important topics such as insider trading, conflict of interest, but not with trust violations or the fight against corruption


Microsoft Corporation (sector: systems software), ESGenius score 75 (03/2021); develops and licences software products, services, and equipment. The range of products and services includes, among other things, operating services, server applications, desktop tools, server administration tools, software development tools, and video games. The company also develops and manufactures devices such as PCs, tablets, gaming consoles, telephones, and other intelligent devices and accessories.

  • Exclusion from our ethics funds due to the production of ego shooter video games
  • Cloud-based service and dematerialisation software with energy saving and resource efficiency potential
  • Measures towards increased energy efficiency in computing centres and commitment to increase the share of renewable energy in the operation of said centres
  • Introduction of diversity training across the company in the wake of accusations of gender discrimination in the past


Aker Horizons AS

  • Website
  • Investor Presentation
  • internal qualitative rating

Trillium Therapeutics Inc.

  • Website
  • Corporate Overview

Microsoft Corporation

  • Website
  • – Dematerialisierung



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