Erste Asset Management

173 results for the topic "Sustainability"

ARTICLES IN THE TOPIC “Sustainability”

World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource
World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource
(c) unsplash

World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource

On World Water Day today, we are publishing the water footprint of our sustainable funds for the seventh time. Problems such as water shortages and the decline in groundwater levels have now also reached Europe. This makes it all the more important for companies to use our water resources responsibly and manage water risks sustainably.

Chatbot “Sustainable Investing”: The new expert on sustainability
Chatbot “Sustainable Investing”: The new expert on sustainability
(c) unsplash

Chatbot “Sustainable Investing”: The new expert on sustainability

With so much information and offers on sustainable investing, investors can easily lose track of what’s out there. Our new chatbot “Sustainable Investing” can help here and shed some light on the matter. In this article, we explain which questions the chatbot can answer and how to find it.

The topic of water in sustainable investing
The topic of water in sustainable investing
(c) unsplash

The topic of water in sustainable investing

Clean water is one of the most valuable and important resources on our planet. This is one of the reasons why ERSTE WWF STOCK ENVIRONMENT invests specifically in companies that help to reduce water consumption. In this article, we explain what role the topic of water plays in sustainable investment and how water risks are taken into account in the investment process.