Erste Asset Management

538 results for the topic "Markets"


“Black Monday” at the stock exchanges: Why?
“Black Monday” at the stock exchanges: Why?
© iStock

“Black Monday” at the stock exchanges: Why?

Market correction Equities, bonds affected by default risk, commodities, and emerging markets currencies are currently subject to corrections, which, noticeably, have now gone beyond the purview of emerging markets: while the emerging markets equity index declined by almost 6% (Performance-Data Source: Bloomberg, MSCI) last week, the index for developed markets lost 5.3% (Performance-Data Source: Bloomberg, […]

“Quarterly Capitalism” under attack
“Quarterly Capitalism” under attack

“Quarterly Capitalism” under attack

If you thought “quarterly” was a simple adverb characterizing a regularly recurring activity, you may need to reconsider. A new term is making the rounds: “quarterly capitalism” – and in this context, “quarterly” stands for “short-term, myopic, greedy and dysfunctional”. In fact, the term was already invented four years ago by Dominic Barton of McKinsey […]

Agreement between Iran and the P5+1 countries depresses oil price
Agreement between Iran and the P5+1 countries depresses oil price

Agreement between Iran and the P5+1 countries depresses oil price

The negotiations between Iran and the UN veto powers plus Germany were concluded successfully on Tuesday, 14 July. Iran will curtail its nuclear programme. In exchange, the international economic sanctions will be reduced. The result is remarkable in so far as the interests of the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council […]