Erste Asset Management

538 results for the topic "Markets"


2016 – a capital markets year in review
2016 – a capital markets year in review

2016 – a capital markets year in review

2016 was full of surprises on the stock exchanges. At the beginning of the year, economic concerns in China, the second-biggest economy in the world, triggered drastic losses on the stock exchanges. Over the year, cautious optimism gradually returned: the oil price recovered, and the stock exchanges in the emerging markets rebounded. Brexit and Donald […]

Turkey Outlook 2017 – Light at the end of the tunnel
Turkey Outlook 2017 – Light at the end of the tunnel
Ulrike Gruber /

Turkey Outlook 2017 – Light at the end of the tunnel

Turkey faced a lot of difficulties in 2016 – both on the economic and political side. On the economic front, the first half of the year was a recovery period where most of the macro data showed improvement, political turmoil had diminished and equity market was pretty much on hold while the market participants had […]



The market participants are still focused on the implications of Donald Trump’s victory at the US presidential elections. In simple terms, “Trumponomics” are a combination of expansive fiscal policies and restrictive trade policy. An increased budget deficit is supposed to support economic growth, while the curbing of free trade aims at job protection.

Markets assume President Trump will deliver
Markets assume President Trump will deliver
© iStock

Markets assume President Trump will deliver

The outcome of the US election last week, together with the Brexit-vote in June, was the second major political event this year that shook financial markets. In both cases the outcome was different to what pollsters, the media and investors anticipated. Unsurprisingly, markets – across asset-classes and geographies – reacted strongly and in some cases […]