Erste Asset Management

195 results for the topic "Equities"


The equity bull market that no-one trusts
The equity bull market that no-one trusts

The equity bull market that no-one trusts

Equities got off to a terrible start into 2016. At the end of February, a short but intense sell-off was triggered by the emergence of concerns over a slump of the global economy in connection with China. However, since mid-February the international indices have been on the rise without any significant breaks. Not even the […]

Japanese stock exchanges rally after Prime Minister wins elections
Japanese stock exchanges rally after Prime Minister wins elections

Japanese stock exchanges rally after Prime Minister wins elections

The Japanese equity market has been among the weakest ones in the year to date. At -15% (as of 12 July 2016; source: Bloomberg), the Nikkei index is one of the worst performers. For euro investors, the bottom line is not as abysmal: adjusting the loss for the development of the Japanese yen vis-à-vis the […]

What ratios are relevant in the selection of equity sectors?
What ratios are relevant in the selection of equity sectors?
Photo: Fotolia

What ratios are relevant in the selection of equity sectors?

Shares (equities) are classified, among other criteria, according to sectors, e.g. healthcare, consumer goods, energy etc. Shareholders pursue different approaches when it comes to the classification process. In this report we follow the methodology of MSCI, a US financial service provider that offers international equity indices and risk analyses.

Mega trend environmental technology
Mega trend environmental technology

Mega trend environmental technology

The global population will reach 10 billion people by 2100, with masses streaming into the cities. The environmental problems are becoming more challenging as we speak due to the exploitation of raw materials and the climate change, which has manifested itself via ever more frequent freak weather events. The call for the cautious handling of […]

Financial injection from the biotec-sector
Financial injection from the biotec-sector

Financial injection from the biotec-sector

Every year, the best funds and investment companies that show a constantly high, risk-adjusted performance within their comparison group are awarded with the Lipper Fund Awards. This year, our biotechnology equity fund got full marks in Germany over a time period of five years, compared to all other international biotechnology funds.

Earnings season triggers downward revisions
Earnings season triggers downward revisions

Earnings season triggers downward revisions

Earnings are key for equity investors, as also my colleague Harald Egger emphasized in this blog two weeks ago. This basic truth is even more relevant as usual at a time when a multi-year equity bull market has ended and a wobbly global economic backdrop is weighing on market sentiment. In this situation, corporate earnings […]

Current earnings development advises caution
Current earnings development advises caution

Current earnings development advises caution

The international stock exchanges recorded a rather dismal start into the new year. The reasons cited most frequently were China and the declining oil price. A weaker Chinese economy will definitely register also on an international scale due to the mere size of the country. While a weaker oil price is beneficial to consumers, it […]