Erste Asset Management


The Fed is a dove
The Fed is a dove
(C): federalreserve / flickr

The Fed is a dove

Equities have been weaker in recent days. This is largely due to concerns that sooner-than-expected interest rate increases in the USA could be detrimental to the financial market. Chief economist Gerhard Winzer explains why in the most likely case scenario, this will not be happening in the foreseeable future.

Yield curve management
Yield curve management
(c) iStock, Jonathan P. Larsen/Diadem Images

Yield curve management

In recent days, equities and other risky asset classes have come under pressure despite the fact that in the year to date the optimism about an economic recovery has been on the rise. Is that a case of “buy the rumour, sell the fact”? Had the good news already been priced into the market? Or is there another mechanism that could be driving the future development?

Labour day: High unemployment challenges economic policy-makers
Labour day: High unemployment challenges economic policy-makers
(c) unsplash

Labour day: High unemployment challenges economic policy-makers

It is now that we are becoming acutely aware of how important work is for us, with the job market data taking to centre stage on this year’s Labour Day. The number of people who are out of a job because of the pandemic has increased drastically. Numerous measures, such as reduced working hours in Austria, have been taken in an effort to contain the situation. We expect a positive trend reversal later in the year.