Under the search term “investment horizon” there are numerous definitions on the internet. What does the term “investment horizon” actually mean? In our blog post we give an overview of the most important features of the investment horizon.

Under the search term “investment horizon” there are numerous definitions on the internet. What does the term “investment horizon” actually mean? In our blog post we give an overview of the most important features of the investment horizon.
Shares (equities) and equity funds – the same or not? Only a small minority of Austrians invest directly or indirectly (via equity funds) in shares. Is it the fear of losses or the lack of knowledge about this asset class that make investors shy away from it?
Bond investors are faced with a difficult environment. Do corporate bonds offer the chance of a halfway decent yield? Stampfl: The statement that bond investors are faced with a difficult environment is actually an erroneous one. A balanced portfolio consisting of bonds from the peripheral countries and the core countries across all sectors would have […]
For many institutional investors corporate bonds from emerging markets issuers have become an important instrument of portfolio diversification. Our fund management team estimates that a portfolio made up of 70% investment grade bonds and 30% high-yield bonds can yield an average 5% in the medium term. This sort of yield can hardly be achieved with […]