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2 results for keyword "Kamala Harris"

Article on tag "Kamala Harris"

After Biden’s withdrawal: What plans does Kamala Harris have for the economy?
After Biden’s withdrawal: What plans does Kamala Harris have for the economy?

After Biden’s withdrawal: What plans does Kamala Harris have for the economy?

The withdrawal of incumbent US President Joe Biden from the presidential race is bringing new momentum to the election campaign. Kamala Harris, currently Vice President under Biden, is now seen as the likely Democratic candidate. What policies could Harris stand for and what plans could she have for the US economy?

USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority
USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority
(c) Matt Johnson /

USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority

After the Democrats’ success in the Senate run-off elections in the US State of Georgia, the party now has the de-facto majority in both chambers of Congress, and therefore US President-elect Joe Biden should soon have much more leeway for implementing his economic policy programmes.