Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

3 results for keyword "Janet Yellen"

Article on tag "Janet Yellen"

Hedge fund Archegos Capital’s default causing a big stir
Hedge fund Archegos Capital’s default causing a big stir
(c) unsplash

Hedge fund Archegos Capital’s default causing a big stir

Hedge funds have often been talked about in the past because a failure of their sometimes risky investment strategies can trigger chain reactions in the financial industry and the markets, as was the case recently with Archegos Capital. But hedge funds often take on an important role with their alternative investment strategies. Read more on our blog.

USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority
USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority
(c) Matt Johnson /

USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority

After the Democrats’ success in the Senate run-off elections in the US State of Georgia, the party now has the de-facto majority in both chambers of Congress, and therefore US President-elect Joe Biden should soon have much more leeway for implementing his economic policy programmes.