One of the most important economic indicators, the global purchasing managers index for the manufacturing sector, fell in June compared to the previous month. Is that bad news for risky asset classes like stocks? Our chief economist Gerhard Winzer analyzes the most important scenarios.
Article on tag "fiscal policy"
Markets are gaining again – Update from the Investment Division
“Markets recovery”: High yields, EU peripheral government bonds and emerging market bonds posted gains. Update from the Investment Division.
Fiscal- and monetary policies – Update from the Investment Division
What has occurred since yesterday ? Gus Backus celebrated in the 1960s some successes in the German Pop music charts. It is remarkable that in the 50s he also scored two top ten hits in the USA. In the chorus in one of his songs he sings: “Who should pay that, who ordered that, who […]
Turkey after the local elections
The local elections in Turkey had been built up by President Erdogan to be a test of his policies. What do the results mean for Turkey’s economy?
Hungary: fiscal and monetary policy news
The European media has been paying attention to unorthodox economic policies in Hungary for years, supporting or opposing them depending where they stand on the political spectrum. At the same time Hungarian decision makers always stress they represent normality. Nowadays the question is: should we finally expect both monetary and fiscal policy normalization in the following years?
Is Turkey about to run into a balance of payments crisis?
The Turkish central bank was forced to raise its most important interest rate by 300bps and to re-align its monetary instruments. What are the reasons for this nosedive?

Ten economic hypotheses for 2018
The current environment is very positive for the capital markets: strong growth, low inflation, supportive monetary policies, good earnings growth, and low volatilities, i.e. fluctuations. Also, the numerous risks have not had a significantly negative impact on prices. However, the phase of rising prices started as early as March 2009.