Erste Asset Management

173 results for the topic "Sustainability"

ARTICLES IN THE TOPIC “Sustainability”

Frankincense, myrrh, or gold? Have you found the right Christmas present yet?
Frankincense, myrrh, or gold? Have you found the right Christmas present yet?
(c) istock

Frankincense, myrrh, or gold? Have you found the right Christmas present yet?

The gifts of the three Magi to the new-born Christ Child are well known. Even back then, gold was of high value due to its scarceness and was regarded as a special kind of paying one’s respects to someone. Frankincense and myrrh have since then lost some of their appeal as gifts, but it is […]

Gold: the most sustainable commodity in the world?
Gold: the most sustainable commodity in the world?
(c) Fotolia

Gold: the most sustainable commodity in the world?

Guest commentary by expert Ronald-Peter Stöferle The public is still being fed the narrative of gold being a dirty metal. Gold is considered environmentally reproachable because open-pit mining requires enormous volumes of rock to be moved; and in rare cases, mercury is used in the process. Gold is also regarded as soiled in terms of […]

Tiffany as exemplary company in the field of sustainability
Tiffany as exemplary company in the field of sustainability
(c) unsplash

Tiffany as exemplary company in the field of sustainability

The takeover by LVMH raised the media profile of Tiffany last week substantially. Not only financial aspects, but also the sustainability strategy make the company attractive. Tiffany has gone through an impressive development in terms of sustainability. The company has co-financed or implemented numerous projects to facilitate a better and more environmentally friendly production of […]

Changes to the investment universe, September 2019 – November 2019
Changes to the investment universe, September 2019 – November 2019
(c) istock

Changes to the investment universe, September 2019 – November 2019

Admitted PowerCell Sweden AB (sector: Electrical Components & Equipment), EAM ESG rating 09/2019 of C; admitted into the investment universe of ERSTE WWF STOCK ENVIRONMENT in September 2019. The company was created as a spin-out from Volvo Group in 2008. PowerCell Sweden AB develops and produces modular and scalable fuel cell stacks and systems. Development […]