Erste Asset Management Investment Blog


Climate risks
Climate risks

Climate risks

The ESGenius Letter on topics related to sustainability and sustainable investing. Climate change brings with it many risks for the economy and businesses. How can these be better addressed?



Megatrends shape the world for decades. They generate growth and thus opportunities for investors who invest in the most exciting companies. With ERSTE FUTURE INVEST, you invest in shares of what we consider to be the 5 most important megatrends.



The ESGenius Letter on topics related to sustainability and sustainable investing. Biodiversity stands for the diversity of life and the uniqueness of our nature. But how can we protect such important ecosystems and habitats as forests, meadows and waters and what contribution can companies make here? This is the subject of the latest issue of our ESGenius Letter.

Bonds reloaded
Bonds reloaded

Bonds reloaded

The new yield opportunities for bonds are a major topic on the financial markets. With the changed interest rate environment, the asset class is again becoming increasingly attractive for investors.

The Energy of the Future
The Energy of the Future
(c) unsplash

The Energy of the Future

The ESG Letter on Environmental, Social and Governance issues How can we make our energy consumption more sustainable and what resources will we use for this in the future? These are the questions addressed in our ESG Letter "The Energy of the Future".