The surprisingly good corporate earnings provided a tailwind & the price of gold continued to rise. Update from the Investment Division.
Article on tag "gold"
Losses at beginning of week – Update from the Investment Division
What has occurred since the long weekend? Last week began on a positive note in the markets for risk assets. The US leading index, S&P500, gained 3.6% from Monday to Wednesday. This was triggered by the following positive news: In a study, the drug Remdesivir showed success in treating COVID-19 patients. The US Federal Reserve’s […]

High volatility also in the price of gold
Gold plays a role as a “safe haven” in times of crisis. But the price is anything but stable.
Frankincense, myrrh, or gold? Have you found the right Christmas present yet?
The gifts of the three Magi to the new-born Christ Child are well known. Even back then, gold was of high value due to its scarceness and was regarded as a special kind of paying one’s respects to someone. Frankincense and myrrh have since then lost some of their appeal as gifts, but it is […]
Gold: the most sustainable commodity in the world?
Guest commentary by expert Ronald-Peter Stöferle The public is still being fed the narrative of gold being a dirty metal. Gold is considered environmentally reproachable because open-pit mining requires enormous volumes of rock to be moved; and in rare cases, mercury is used in the process. Gold is also regarded as soiled in terms of […]

All that glitters is not gold
To extract gold, copper, nickel, tungsten and other metallic raw materials, entire ecosystems are destroyed. Guest author Georg Scattolin from the WWF, on environmental threats in the extraction of raw materials.
Gold with traces of rust
Hardly anyone can escape the fascination of gold. But, what is the economic function of gold, and how does it perform socially and environmentally?