Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

10 results for keyword "EZB"

Article on tag "EZB"

World Economic Forum in Davos Sees World at Turning Point After Pandemic-Induced Break
World Economic Forum in Davos Sees World at Turning Point After Pandemic-Induced Break
(c) GIAN EHRENZELLER / Keystone /

World Economic Forum in Davos Sees World at Turning Point After Pandemic-Induced Break

The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, focused on the topics of the Ukraine war, inflation, supply chain problems, food shortages and climate change. How do top politicians and leading economists assess the situation?

Sustainability-linked bonds – an alternative to green bonds?
Sustainability-linked bonds – an alternative to green bonds?
(c) iStock

Sustainability-linked bonds – an alternative to green bonds?

Green bonds are securities that are allocated to specific energy and environmental projects and are intended to contribute to a climate-friendly transformation of the economy. According to a study by the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), they reached a record level of $269. 5 billion in 2020. Sustainability-Linked Bonds represent a voluntary commitment for issuers. How exactly they work is explained in our analysis.

High Inflation – likely to emerge?
High Inflation – likely to emerge?
(c) unsplash

High Inflation – likely to emerge?

At the beginning of September, the FED announced a significant change in their policy: They officially announced the implementation of “average inflation targeting”. This allows to have a higher inflation rate for a period of time instead of being closely held to the target inflation rate of 2%.
Why did the FED announce this shift in its policy? Is inflation returning in the agenda? In this article, we intend to show the policy requirements for high(er) inflation.