Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

4 results for keyword "ESGenius"

Article on tag "ESGenius"

FNG Label: 17 top marks for our sustainable funds
FNG Label: 17 top marks for our sustainable funds
(c) unsplash

FNG Label: 17 top marks for our sustainable funds

Strict criteria, a clear investment process, and many years of expertise pay off, as illustrated by our results in this year’s award of the FNG Label by Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG; Forum for Sustainable Investments). All 17 funds submitted by Erste Asset Management were awarded the quality label for sustainable investment funds, capturing the top rating of three stars.

Climate risks: Is climate change that bad?
Climate risks: Is climate change that bad?
(c) unsplash

Climate risks: Is climate change that bad?

This year’s September went down as the warmest in measurement history. Especially in our regions, it was a welcome extension of the summer for many. However, the warmer temperatures clearly show us the consequences of climate change. The risks this entails for the economy and companies and how we take these into account in our investment processes is the topic of our new ESGenius Letter.

How to combine yield with sustainability factors
How to combine yield with sustainability factors
(c) Unsplash

How to combine yield with sustainability factors

The issue of ESG is stronger in our consciousness than ever before. In recent years, many measurable indicators have emerged on environmental aspects. Social commitment and good corporate governance are more difficult to quantify. Are these factors even detectable and measurable for a meaningful evaluation?