Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

105 results for keyword "ESG"

Article on tag "ESG"

Sustainable finance – an (overdue) act of re-orientation?
Sustainable finance – an (overdue) act of re-orientation?

Sustainable finance – an (overdue) act of re-orientation?

In general terms, impact investments are investments that bring societal benefits on top of financial yield. This topic therefore offers a great opportunity to talk to experts about the effects of investments on society. This is why Erste Asset Management also has an internal forum, where ESG topics, sustainability aspects, and climate risks are periodically […]

Emerging Markets corporate bonds: sustainability turns into a factor of success for investments
Emerging Markets corporate bonds: sustainability turns into a factor of success for investments

Emerging Markets corporate bonds: sustainability turns into a factor of success for investments

Corporate bonds from emerging markets: environmental focus and calling out companies on their sustainability efforts are turning into a success factor. Senior professional fund manager Péter Varga explains the latest trends and developments.

“Our funds lead companies to engage more actively with sustainability”
“Our funds lead companies to engage more actively with sustainability”
(c) unsplash

“Our funds lead companies to engage more actively with sustainability”

Can investment companies contribute to making the world a better place? Walter Hatak, Head of Sustainable Investments with Erste Asset Management (Erste AM), responds with a resounding “Yes – but only with the help of our clients!” More and more client assets go towards climate-friendly companies, while at the same time Erste Asset Management uses its votes from the shares it has invested the clients’ funds in to elicit more sustainability from companies across the board.