Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

9 results for keyword "DAX"

Article on tag "DAX"

Germany’s economy recovering from slump
Germany’s economy recovering from slump
(c) Unsplash

Germany’s economy recovering from slump

Germany’s economy is back on a growth path after the pandemic dip at the beginning of the year. While service providers and retailers benefit from the relaxation of the Corona measures, the industry is being held back by material shortages and supply bottlenecks. How does the German stock index (DAX) react?

5 years after the Brexit referendum: UK on the path to recovery in turbulent times
5 years after the Brexit referendum: UK on the path to recovery in turbulent times
(c) unsplash

5 years after the Brexit referendum: UK on the path to recovery in turbulent times

These days mark the 5th anniversary of the British vote to leave the European Union. How does the UK stand economically after the “Brexit”? What challenges still lie ahead for the country? What opportunities do investors have? Read more in today’s blog.

DAX set to break all-time high thanks to economic recovery as election year autumn approaches
DAX set to break all-time high thanks to economic recovery as election year autumn approaches
(c) unsplash

DAX set to break all-time high thanks to economic recovery as election year autumn approaches

Germany has awakened from its pandemic “deep sleep”, and the economy is picking up speed in an election year. Investments related to the reduction of greenhouse gases could give a strong boost to innovative companies in the DAX and at European level.

USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority
USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority
(c) Matt Johnson /

USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority

After the Democrats’ success in the Senate run-off elections in the US State of Georgia, the party now has the de-facto majority in both chambers of Congress, and therefore US President-elect Joe Biden should soon have much more leeway for implementing his economic policy programmes.