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33 results for keyword "COVID-19"

Article on tag "COVID-19"

COVID19 Update: Sputnik V – the vaccine that came in from the cold
COVID19 Update: Sputnik V – the vaccine that came in from the cold
(c) unsplash

COVID19 Update: Sputnik V – the vaccine that came in from the cold

When Russian President Vladimir Putin celebrated his “Mission Accomplished” moment on August 11th with the announcement of Sputnik V, the world’s first SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, the global scientific community reacted with a mix of skepticism and condemnation. Is this warranted or a result of russophobia?

Financial markets outlook: equities and high-yield bonds remain first choice
Financial markets outlook: equities and high-yield bonds remain first choice

Financial markets outlook: equities and high-yield bonds remain first choice

On top of the corona situation, two additional developments have been crucial for the development of the financial markets. The central banks have been pursuing a very expansive regime on a global scale, and at the same massive stimulus packages have been passed in an effort to get the economy up to speed again