Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

30 results for keyword "Coronavirus"

Article on tag "Coronavirus"

Tourism Industry on the Path to Recovery in Summer, but Pre-Crisis Level Still a Long Way Off
Tourism Industry on the Path to Recovery in Summer, but Pre-Crisis Level Still a Long Way Off
(c) Unsplash

Tourism Industry on the Path to Recovery in Summer, but Pre-Crisis Level Still a Long Way Off

The travel and tourism industry is continuing its recovery. The number of overnight stays increased noticeably in what is now the second Corona pandemic summer, and travel figures paint a similar picture. However, pre-Corona pandemic levels are still a long way off, and the recent strong spread of the delta variant of the virus is also an uncertainty factor.

COVID-19 Update: Moderna reports preliminary results from phase 3 vaccine trial
COVID-19 Update: Moderna reports preliminary results from phase 3 vaccine trial
(c) unsplash

COVID-19 Update: Moderna reports preliminary results from phase 3 vaccine trial

U.S. biotech company Moderna reported positive results from the first interim analysis of its Covid mRNA vaccine candidate. The IA found that of the 95 identified Covid cases in the study population 90 occurred in the placebo group, thus yielding a vaccine efficacy of 94,4%.

Covid Vaccine: Pfizer, BioNTech and the beginning of the end?
Covid Vaccine: Pfizer, BioNTech and the beginning of the end?
(c) unsplash

Covid Vaccine: Pfizer, BioNTech and the beginning of the end?

In a press release on November 9, Pfizer gave a first taste of the results of the Phase 3 study of the Covid vaccine, which was jointly developed with German biotech company BioNTech. With an estimated efficacy of 90% and the start of the vaccination campaign possibly as early as January 2021, there is light at the end of the tunnel. But some hurdles still remain.

Reduction in Covid-19 deaths – Update from the Investment Division
Reduction in Covid-19 deaths – Update from the Investment Division
(c) unsplash

Reduction in Covid-19 deaths – Update from the Investment Division

What has occurred over the weekend ? On Friday and also over the weekend some movement happened in the talks between Russia and Saudi Arabia about possible oil production cuts. After the last talks of OPEC+ about a month ago ended without an agreement between those two countries Saudi Arabia increased the oil production unilaterally. […]