Erste Asset Management

6 results for keyword "climate crisis"

Article on tag "climate crisis"

The miracle forest and why we need to protect it
The miracle forest and why we need to protect it

The miracle forest and why we need to protect it

The forest ecosystem is not only an important carbon store, but also a habitat for a variety of plants and creatures. In this interview, Robert Pröll, farmer, national park ranger, and speaker at this year’s sustainability conference, explains why we need to protect the “miracle of the forest” more than ever in the fight against the climate crisis.

Biodiversity & nature: how can we integrate them?
Biodiversity & nature: how can we integrate them?
(c) unsplash

Biodiversity & nature: how can we integrate them?

At Erste AM, we have been dealing with sustainable investment for many years and have also included biodiversity agendas in our considerations. With our new biodiversity guideline, these issues are to be integrated even more formally into our processes. In addition, we are defining concrete biodiversity goals in the investment process that we want to achieve by 2030.

Biodiversity: interview with ecologist Franz Essl
Biodiversity: interview with ecologist Franz Essl
(c) Thomas Lehmann

Biodiversity: interview with ecologist Franz Essl

Franz Essl is an ecologist and a recognised expert on biodiversity and the protection of species diversity. In addition, he was named Scientist of the Year 2022 by the Club of Education and Science Journalists last year. In this interview, he explains what the term biodiversity encompasses and why politics and business must finally act to stop the loss of biodiversity.

Mobility of the future: moving the traffic of goods onto the rail track
Mobility of the future: moving the traffic of goods onto the rail track
(c) unsplash

Mobility of the future: moving the traffic of goods onto the rail track

Currently only a third of transport is by rail. However, in domestic transport (i.e. Austria), 60% is possible, and even 85% in cross-border traffic – a clear signal that should be heeded by rail infrastructure strategies. In addition to a socio-ecological tax reform, a comprehensive turn-around in mobility is a crucial factor in the fight […]