Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

233 search results for the keyword "election"

Search results for the keyword: election

Biodiversity, climate change, and planetary boundaries
Biodiversity, climate change, and planetary boundaries
(c) pexels

Biodiversity, climate change, and planetary boundaries

Recent studies have provided insights into the challenges to human prosperity resulting from the climate and biodiversity crises. The main conclusions are that the world is currently not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in time, nor the Climate Change Goals or those on biodiversity.

Biotechnology shares ready to stage a comeback?
Biotechnology shares ready to stage a comeback?

Biotechnology shares ready to stage a comeback?

In the first half of 2023, growth shares – and as such, also the biotechnology sector – came under pressure as investors were pivoting towards value shares. But the signs are changing. The possible high in interest rates in Europe and the USA could boost biotech shares again, as ERSTE STOCK BIOTEC fund manager Harald Kober explains in an interview.

Sustainable investments: fad or long-term trend?
Sustainable investments: fad or long-term trend?

Sustainable investments: fad or long-term trend?

With a view to the Ukraine war, the multiple regions of crisis or the extreme inflation, one would be forgiven for thinking that sustainability issues were taking a back seat when it came to investing. Gerold Permoser, Chief Investment Officer of Erste Asset Management, claims that this is not the case and that there is a lot of potential for investors. In a recent press talk, he and Heinz Bednar, CEO, presented five key drivers for ESG investments.

Benefit from the megatrend Artificial Intelligence with equities
Benefit from the megatrend Artificial Intelligence with equities
(c) unsplash

Benefit from the megatrend Artificial Intelligence with equities

The megatrend of artificial intelligence is also on everyone’s lips on the financial markets. Some companies from the AI sector have posted significant gains in their stock price so far this year. We show you with which investments you can profit from the AI boom and what you need to bear in mind.