Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

233 search results for the keyword "election"

Search results for the keyword: election

Davos 2024: Climate Crisis, AI, geopolitics and interest rates were key topics
Davos 2024: Climate Crisis, AI, geopolitics and interest rates were key topics
(c) Lian Yi Xinhua / Eyevine /

Davos 2024: Climate Crisis, AI, geopolitics and interest rates were key topics

Last week, many high-ranking representatives from politics and business once again gathered in Davos, Switzerland, for the annual World Economic Forum. The most pressing topics were the use of AI, the climate crisis and geopolitical tensions. Meanwhile, central bankers made interesting statements on future interest rate policy.

Inflation, interest rates, markets: 10 topics for 2024
Inflation, interest rates, markets: 10 topics for 2024
(c) unsplash

Inflation, interest rates, markets: 10 topics for 2024

After the price rally at the end of last year, the markets started 2024 with price losses. The ongoing positive correlation between bonds and equities is striking. Both asset classes have fallen equally recently, which makes diversification in a portfolio more difficult. But the year has only just begun. We therefore take a look at 10 key topics for 2024 that could be helpful when putting together a portfolio.

Norway: Visiting sustainable portfolio companies
Norway: Visiting sustainable portfolio companies
(c) unsplash

Norway: Visiting sustainable portfolio companies

Norway has the largest oil reserves in Europe. Nevertheless, the Scandinavian country is considered a pioneer in the use of renewable energies. There are also many companies in the industrial sector that are working on sustainable value creation. Fund manager Markus Gruber visited some sustainable companies from the portfolios of the impact funds ERSTE WWF STOCK ENVIRONMENT and ERSTE GREEN INVEST.

Sustainability labels: How they can help with investment decisions
Sustainability labels: How they can help with investment decisions
(c) pexels

Sustainability labels: How they can help with investment decisions

Investors are increasingly focusing on environmental, social and governance criteria when it comes to their investments. But how can investors even know which products and funds are truly sustainable? One way of separating the wheat from the chaff is to use sustainability labels.