Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

233 search results for the keyword "election"

Search results for the keyword: election

Japanese stock exchanges rally after Prime Minister wins elections
Japanese stock exchanges rally after Prime Minister wins elections

Japanese stock exchanges rally after Prime Minister wins elections

The Japanese equity market has been among the weakest ones in the year to date. At -15% (as of 12 July 2016; source: Bloomberg), the Nikkei index is one of the worst performers. For euro investors, the bottom line is not as abysmal: adjusting the loss for the development of the Japanese yen vis-à-vis the […]

What ratios are relevant in the selection of equity sectors?
What ratios are relevant in the selection of equity sectors?
Photo: Fotolia

What ratios are relevant in the selection of equity sectors?

Shares (equities) are classified, among other criteria, according to sectors, e.g. healthcare, consumer goods, energy etc. Shareholders pursue different approaches when it comes to the classification process. In this report we follow the methodology of MSCI, a US financial service provider that offers international equity indices and risk analyses.

Could the outcome of Turkish parliamentary elections lead to increased volatility?
Could the outcome of Turkish parliamentary elections lead to increased volatility?
© Fotolia

Could the outcome of Turkish parliamentary elections lead to increased volatility?

The upcoming parliamentary elections on Sunday in Turkey could force Erdogan to postpone his plan for a new constitution and could lead to new political leaders in the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economics. This would trigger an increase in uncertainty and consequently a higher degree of volatility for the Turkish Lira and […]

Is the AI Rally Nearing its End?
Is the AI Rally Nearing its End?
(c) pexels

Is the AI Rally Nearing its End?

Following this week’s interest rate cut by the US Federal Reserve, shares related to artificial intelligence (AI) applications are once again in the spotlight. Investors are hoping that AI will have a positive impact on the business figures of the key players. With the ERSTE STOCK TECHNO fund, you can invest in the most important companies in future technologies.

Eastern Europe: Economies expected to outperform Euro Area
Eastern Europe: Economies expected to outperform Euro Area

Eastern Europe: Economies expected to outperform Euro Area

Weakening growth in the eurozone has been an issue on the markets for some time now. In the Central and Eastern European countries, however, this is largely a non-issue. According to forecasts, the region is also likely to grow faster than the eurozone this year. Private consumption in particular has recently proved to be a growth driver. However, the tense situation in German industry is causing concern.

US tech stocks: Mixed feelings after earnings figures
US tech stocks: Mixed feelings after earnings figures

US tech stocks: Mixed feelings after earnings figures

The shares of the major US technology companies, which had performed very well for a long time, have also fallen recently. The latest half-year figures left the market with mixed feelings: although the figures were largely as expected, there were hardly any increases in profit expectations. Nevertheless, the outlook remains positive, which for fund manager Bernhard Ruttenstorfer has several reasons.